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FAQs on How to choose the right boxing gloves and why is it important?

right boxing gloves

Boxing is as exciting as it can get for a combat sport, but before you even think about throwing a punch, make sure that you are protected. At Infinitude Fight, our experts believe that a set of well-fitting and quality boxing gloves not only protects you but also improves your performance. 

But why is it necessary? 


Why should you wear quality gloves that suit your specific training or competition goals? 

Boxing Gloves

As it is with the nature of boxing, it is physically demanding and a high-impact combat sport – trust us, this is why we all love it. However, boxing comes with risks, especially with overusing your fists; carpal bossing, fractures, and osteoarthritis are a few of these risks. 

With boxing, injuries happen all the time; and particularly, new boxers are most likely to hurt their hands with poor techniques or over-enthusiasm. 

This risk gets even worse when you don’t properly wrap your hands and do not wear quality boxing gloves

Not only that but, a set of faulty boxing or wrong boxing gloves might even negatively affect your performance depending on what goals you have set for each session. 

Talk about a bummer, right? 

Buy Boxing Gloves 

To avoid these problems, Infinitude Fight highly advises you to buy boxing gloves that fit you, are made for your specific chosen boxing type and that also fits you best. 

When you choose the right and quality pair of boxing gloves, the battle is half won. The rest depends upon your skill, training, and intelligence. 

Tip: Don’t underestimate the power and importance of the right set of boxing gloves; their contribution towards a fighter’s success is undeniable. – But how? 

How right boxing gloves reduce the risk of injury and protect your hands? 

Boxing Gloves USA

Buy boxing gloves that are just right for you and the boxing type you wish to take part in – this is the most important factor to reduce the risks of injury and protect your hands.

But how? 

Boxing gloves USA is designed to absorb and reduce the force of impact as the glove compresses, so you can freely strike the bag or the odd face of an opponent as hard as possible – without so as much worrying about cutting, bruising, or breaking your hands. 

The right boxing gloves will also protect your opponents by lowering the impact and distributing the force over a large surface area to soften the force of impact compared to punching bare-fisted. 

How does a pair of right boxing gloves help improve your performance? 

There are so many types of boxing gloves available in the market – like a barbeque platter, the options for boxing gloves is an array of colors and styles; MMA gloves, Bag gloves, Sparring gloves, Training gloves – the list here is endless!

And there is a reason why – there is such a vast array of options in boxing gloves USA. Each type of glove fits and accomplishes a different purpose and boxing style. 

For instance, petite/smaller gloves that are compact in look and feel are designed to deliver the most powerful blow to the opponent – this quality makes them suitable for professional competitions in the boxing ring.

On the other hand, when you are sparring or training, your motive is to practice and better your craft most safely and comfortably possible – without hindering or affecting performance. 

For this purpose, boxing gloves that are bulkier with more padding are best to train with as they protect you and your rival. 

Things you need to consider while choosing the right pair of boxing gloves:

  • Are you a beginner? 
  • What is your purpose; Sparring, competing, or training on the bag?
  • How much should right boxing gloves weigh in ounces for me?
  • What boxing gloves size is suitable?
  • What should be the boxing gloves price? 
  • What material are boxing gloves made from?

Are you a beginner?

Beginners/amateur boxers have two main approaches that depend on their personal preferences;

Simple/Minimalist Boxing Gloves 

Boxing gloves with less padding don’t offer much comfort or protection. However, this can become an excellent opportunity to bring focus on improper techniques as you get a better feel of how exactly a punch is supposed to feel.

Heavier Training Gloves 

Aspiring new boxers are expected to make mistakes; padded gloves not only provide comfort but also minimize the risk of getting an injury during the intense learning curve. A pair of 12oz boxing gloves are an excellent option to start with, as they can also become a conditioning tool and boost stamina with endurance. 

To get the highest level of protection, it is advised to use bigger size boxing gloves – as they have more padding – and then slowly transition to lower boxing gloves sizes as you progress towards competition level.

What is your purpose; Sparring, competing, or training on a bag?

As discussed before, boxing gloves come in many different types, which is for a good reason. What is interesting is that you might use all of the boxing gloves USA types in your boxing journey/career. 

Below are some common types of boxing gloves available in the market; 

Bag Gloves

Bag gloves are ideal for using a punching bag or hitting boxing pads. Bag gloves typically have less amount of padding as compared to sparring gloves – this way, you can feel and know if you are using the wrong technique. 

Also, bag gloves usually are lighter and smaller in size compared to boxing gloves

The best part about it? – You can do away with less padding as you are targeting an inanimate item, so there will be no risk of knocking someone out. 

Still, buy bag gloves with enough padding to protect your fingers entirely and also make sure that the bag gloves fit snug and comfortably even when you wear a wrap inside – as you should. 

If you are into heavy-hitting regimes, buy boxing gloves that come with added padding to protect your hands – four layers of padding offer a sufficient amount of shock/impact absorption.

Training Gloves or Boxing Gloves 

These are the best and nifty options for beginners – as the padding in training gloves is heavy enough to spar safely but also lightweight enough to practice on a punching bag. The best of both worlds, if you may. 

Training gloves do contain more and heavier padding than bag gloves, but still, they are not as heavy as sparring gloves. Training gloves are the star of the boxing gloves world. 

Tip: Buy a Boxing glove that is fully attached to a wrist wrap – such a glove will give – your wrist, hand, and fingers – added protection. 

Sparring Gloves 

Sparring gloves are mainly used for training; they come with thicker/heavier padding than traditional boxing gloves. The padding in sparring gloves is slightly more cushioned, reducing the risk of sustaining or inflicting an injury while sparring with a partner. 

For sparring, your only goal should be to develop and enhance the best techniques and skills, so this naturally stops you from hitting your sparring partner with full force. Usually, sparring gloves sizes/weights range from 14oz to 20oz; however, the most preferred size/weight is 16oz. 

MMA Gloves

How could you tell the difference between a standard boxing glove and an MMA glove? – Simple the open finger design is the characteristic of MMA gloves that distinguishes them from all others. Additionally, there is also less padding in MMA gloves. 

With MMA gloves, you can easily form an open palm, which helps fighters a lot to fix a firm and natural grip. This is extremely beneficial for grappling your opponent or training in the gym environment – where you usually prefer to alternate between other exercises and boxing, such as weight lifting or push-ups. 

Competition Boxing Gloves

The competition boxing gloves offer a bit less protection than sparring or training gloves, as they are designed to have less padding. Competition gloves are smaller, lighter, and more compact – normally weighing around 8oz to 10oz. 

The purpose of the right boxing gloves for competitions is to aid pro boxers to move quickly and inflict powerful punches on their opponents in the ring.  

What boxing gloves size is suitable?

One of the most crucial about any boxing glove is its proper sizing. It is always recommended to pick out the right boxing gloves that are quality and fit your hands like – well, fit like a glove – pun intended. 

The gloves should always fit you snuggly when you wear them with hand wraps, but they should not be too tight. 

This is highly important for your hands’ protection because when the gloves fit you right, there will be a lower risk of injury as there is less room for your hands to move about. 

It is advised to try on your boxing gloves before you make a purchase. This makes sure that you are comfortable with the fit.

Reminder: Always make sure that you have enough room to wear a hand wrap underneath the boxing gloves for added protection and hygiene. 

It is not compulsory to measure out your hands to buy boxing gloves; however, if you want to do it – follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Use a tape measure to measure out your dominant head – around the knuckles – in centimeters or inches that depend on the seller’s chart. 

This will be your boxing gloves measurement, so refer to your seller’s chart and find out the corresponding size. For instance, a medium boxing glove is usually a 9-inch size. 

  • Request the seller for more information if you need more guidance. 

And voila, there you have it!

How much should right boxing gloves weigh in ounces for me?

Your agility and movement are affected by the weight of your boxing gloves, and the weight can vary from 8oz to 20oz options. 

While choosing the right boxing gloves for training, the basic rule is to choose one proportionate to your body weight. 

Light-weighted boxing gloves are appropriate for lighter-weight people, whereas; heavier boxing gloves will do well for people who are on the heavier side/who weigh more – be advised that heavier gloves also create a heavier/intense workout. 

For a rough sketch, if your weight is less than or up to 55 kilos, then 8oz to 12oz boxing gloves will be suitable for training – this also applies to children. While a glove between 12 oz to 18oz will typically serve people whose weight is above 55 kilos. 

Please also consider your intentions for boxing, as this will significantly help determine the weight of boxing gloves you should be buying/using. For instance, a 10oz boxing gloves pair are usually used by professional boxers for competitions. At the same time, 16oz gloves are typical for training or sparring. 

Let’s get into a bit more detail as the boxing gloves weight class is important. If we take sparring for an example – a general guide will look like the one below;

  • A person weighing 44 kilos to 56 kilos – 12oz to 14oz boxing gloves 
  • A person weighing 56 kilos to 71 kilos – 14oz to 16oz boxing gloves
  • A person heavier than 71 kilos – 16oz to 18oz boxing gloves 

Follow this general guidance above when you decide to buy your next pair of customized boxing gloves; still, we recommend speaking with your seller for further advice to ensure nothing goes wrong. 

What material are boxing gloves made from? 

To lend optimum protection to your hands and support your performance, the boxing gloves should always be durable, compressive, and resistant to vigorous impacts. 

For this purpose, you need a quality material such as a glove made from genuine leather. Leather is regarded as one of the most comfortable, flexible, yet strongest materials available. 

Leather also gives excellent odor and moisture control –as it is a natural material, so leather gloves will dry quickly and will not easily start to stink. 

Choosing the right boxing gloves

What should be the boxing gloves price? 

Regarding boxing gloves price, no, you don’t need to spend big bucks on a pair of boxing gloves, specifically when you are just starting in boxing. 

To be honest, we would advise you against forking out hundreds of dollars on your very first pair of boxing gloves. 

As for now, you will not be able to tell better which boxing gloves are the right boxing gloves for you, and you might even not remain committed to boxing as a sport – so essentially, that will be money down the drain. 

The other side of the coin is also important; please try and steer clear of super cheap boxing gloves if you could. 

For instance, Vinyl is a material that you might want to stay away from if you intend to use the gloves long-term, as the Vinyl glove will wear out quite quickly and won’t even offer you appropriate support. 

Pro-Tip: If you are on a budget, look out for sales, many brands and manufacturers put merchandise on sale, and you can easily get a good bargain from those sales.  

For further information, do not hesitate to contact our experts and customer support staff at our Instagram handle here. We will be happy to be of assistance and help you in choosing the right boxing gloves.