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Do Female Boxers Wear Groin Guards

wholesale boxing groin guard for female

When you think of boxing gear, gloves, headgear, and mouthguards come to mind, but what protective gear do female boxers wear for groin area? That might be a question that pops up, leaving many people curious.

So, do women wear groin guards in boxing? Yes, and for good reason!

 The Association of Boxing Commissions (ABC) mandates that female boxers wear groin guards, along with breast protectors and mouthguards, during competitions to ensure safety and minimize injury risks. While groin guards are often associated with men, they are equally important for female fighters. Although women’s anatomy differs, the groin area is still highly sensitive and vulnerable to impact. A direct blow can cause significant pain and discomfort, making protection essential.

Why Women Wear Groin Guards for Boxing?

Cups are important for women to protect their genitalia from accidental kicks and blows as this can result in severe injuries to the sensitive nerve endings and even permanently damage the reproductive system. 

It’s important to remember that boxing is an impact sport, meaning that accidental blows can strike anywhere, including the groin area. Though they might not talk about it as much, female fighters can experience pain, discomfort, and even long-term harm if they take a blow to the lower abdomen or groin area.

Sports medicine research has shown that injuries among female athletes are widespread, especially in contact sports like boxing. Actually, research indicates that female combat athletes who wear properly fitting groin protection can reduce the risk of pelvic injuries.

The Anatomy of a Female Groin Guard

The design of custom groin guards for women differs from that of men’s. Not just the immediate front is padded, but also other strategic places. To protect against those deceptive low punches that can still do a great deal of damage, the guard often covers a larger area around the lower abdomen and pelvis.

In multiple studies it is usually emphasized the value of customized protection for female athletes and the fact that typical male groin guards often fall short of providing sufficient coverage for them. That’s why designs intended specifically for women are essential. For customized groin guards, you can check out our vast library available at Infinitude Fight. 

Do All Female Boxers Wear Groin Guards?

Let’s be real—boxing is a sport where some fighters prioritize certain boxing gear over others. While mouthguards and gloves are mandatory, groin guards, especially for women, often fall into the “optional” category in some competitions. That said, there’s been an increasing shift in the boxing world toward making female groin guards a standard part of a boxer’s protective gear.

It’s worth mentioning that several national boxing organizations already require female fighters to wear groin guards in competition. And for a good reason—because “low blows” aren’t just something that happens in heated arguments!

Research-Backed Benefits of Wearing Groin Guards for Women

The focus on concussion risks in boxing often overshadows the potential impact of body shots. Research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine revealed that injuries to the pelvic and groin area rank among the top five injuries experienced by female combat athletes. Unlike a knockout punch, these injuries can have lingering effects, affecting performance in both the short and long term.

Using protective gear, such as groin guards, can not only prevent injuries but also improve confidence in female athletes. Feeling safer can lead to better performance in fights – it’s as simple as that. No one wants to step into the ring worrying about where the next punch might land.

Suggestion for Groin Guard that Lasts Longer- Groin guards should be routinely cleaned and maintained, just like other protective gear, to avoid the accumulation of bacteria and odors. To maintain their shape and functionality, it is advised to air-dry guards after cleaning them with mild soap and water.

Finding the Right Fit: A Boxer’s Perspective

The key to ensuring that your groin guard actually works is to make sure it’s comfortable and snug, but not too tight. After all, it’s a guard, not a medieval torture device. As one female boxer humorously put it: “The right groin guard is like a great pair of shoes—you want protection without feeling like you’re clomping around in bricks.”

Boxers should also pay attention to the guard’s material. Most guards are made with hard plastic or a shock-absorbing foam lining to soften the impact. The choice really comes down to personal preference and comfort.

Common Misconceptions: “Do Women Even Need Them?”

There is an old-school belief that women do not need as much groin protection as men. Some might argue, “But women don’t have the same anatomy!” While that’s true, it doesn’t mean that the area is immune to injury. Female fighters still risk muscle strain, pelvic fractures, and deep bruising in the groin and lower abdomen.

Women might not have the “family jewels,” but that doesn’t mean a punch to the pelvis won’t have you reconsidering your life choices for a moment.

So, Do Female Fighters Wear Groin Protection?

In summary, female boxers are definitely required to wear groin protectors as enforced by the boxing commissions. A groin guard is an essential component of self-defense in the ring, even though it’s not the most attractive piece of gear. It makes sense to protect your lower body, just as you wouldn’t cut corners when it comes to boxing gloves or headgear.

Thus, keep your lower half in mind the next time you lace up and put on your helmet. Since a hit below the belt is not only painful, but obviously insulting!


Do female UFC fighters wear cups?

Female UFC fighters are not allowed to wear any protection below the waistline. Female fighters can wear chest protection but no groin guards are permitted.

Do women wear cups in boxing?

According to the Association of Boxing Commissions, female boxers are required to wear breast and groin protectors. This protective gear can be removable cups and groin or breast guards. 

What protective gear do female boxers wear?

Women are required to wear a custom mouthguard, headguard, groin cups, and breast guard to ensure complete safety during intense grappling sessions. 

Do female Olympic boxers wear groin guards?

Women are allowed to wear groin guards for protection of pelvic region against below the belt shots during Olympics.