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The Ultimate Guide to Combat Sports and Boxing Gloves

This guide will discuss the three most popular combat sports and briefly touch on their specific tools. Infinitude Fight manufactures boxing equipment for sports like boxing, Muay Thai, and MMA for years now, with our boxing gloves being the most sold item at our online shop. Combat sports, especially boxing, has a worldwide and ever-increasing audience and enthusiasts; this is why many of you researched all things boxing and gyms.

Beginning your journey in combat sports requires the basic know-how of the specific sports and tools; otherwise, you won’t get too far. This is why our experts have created this introductory guide for you. Below is everything you need to know about the most famous types of combat sports.

Read more: Guide on How to Choose Best Boxing Gloves


Boxing is a beautiful combination of different punches; you can use your arms and hands but not your legs, and also, you can not grab your opponent either. With boxing, you mostly rely on the footwork for speed and your hands for power and strength, essentially focusing on the hands. A boxing match round is approximately 3 minutes, and usually, there are 6 to 12 rounds. In case of no knockout, the person having the most points wins.

Boxing Gloves

You should know about the different variants when you decide to buy boxing gloves:

Boxing gloves types:

  • Professional Boxing Gloves
  • Bag Gloves
  • Sparring Gloves
  • Training Boxing Gloves


Professional Boxing Gloves

When it comes to variants specifically used for professional fights, these are usually smaller than the training gloves with sizes between 8oz to 10oz, which depends on the weight class. These variants are designed specifically to absorb the blows and shocks, keeping your hands safer.

Bag Gloves

Bag gloves are manufactured especially for their intended use of punching; these variants are heavily padded, allowing you to train safely. Bag gloves offer extreme shock reduction, and their weight varies between 10oz to 12oz.

Sparring Gloves

These variants are for a hard sparring session; these are made to tackle 15 to 20-minute rounds of power sparring sessions. These are heavily padded with specific placements and are extremely well cushioned. The ideal weight of a sparring glove is 16oz; however, the 14oz variants can also be used – with the upper limit going up to 20oz.

Training Boxing Gloves

Boxing gloves for training are made to excel in padding and durability departments. These variants are recognized for their balanced weight distribution from the writs to the knuckles; also, training gloves offer optimum comfort and shock absorption.


Boxing Gloves price ideally depends on the quality of the materials used in the making; genuine leather boxing gloves at Infinitude Fight are the true testament of premium quality. The outer surface of the gloves is made from 100% natural leather, and the padding inside is intelligently placed to make sure your hands stay safe during your power training session or the next boxing bout.

The boxing gloves price also depends on the type of gloves, and professional boxing gloves are a bit on a higher price spectrum than everyday use training gloves.

Read More: All About Boxing Gloves – FAQ, Uses, and Care

Mixed Martial Arts

MMA or Mixed Martial Arts covers all fighting techniques, including hand, arm strikes, and kicks.  MMA also involves a few facets of wrestling, such as takedowns, the ground control that comes with wrestling, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

MMA fights consist of three rounds, with each lasting for five minutes. In some amateur duels, the duration is shortened to three minutes. The winning of a fighter is a bit similar to boxing, via points, submissions, or knockouts.

MMA Gloves

MMA gloves are designed to be a bit on the lighter side and more flexible than boxing gloves. These variants have exposed fingers aiding in takedowns and submissions. The MMA gloves are mainly available in two types with 4oz weight:

  1.   MMA Sparring Gloves
  2.   MMA Training Gloves

As a rule of thumb, you can use boxing gloves for sparring and training in MMA; however, always buy separate training and sparring gloves to practice takedowns and submission.

Muay Thai

Muay Thai is famous for the art of 8 limbs as it involves the combination of elbows, fists, knees, and shins. Muay Thai makes the fighter make use of all their potential. One of the signature techniques is Muay Thai Clinch, where the athlete is allowed to clinch their opponent by using their knees and arms.

A Muay-Thai competition consists of five rounds each of three-minute duration – there are no additional rounds.

Muay Thai Gloves

Muay Thai gloves are designed to be more flexible than boxing gloves; however, you can use boxing gloves for Muay Thai. In some variants, the thumb is attached differently, allowing extended movement. Infinitude Fight manufactures premium quality Muay Thai gloves with excellent comfort and quality padding. These variants are available in 4 oz to 16oz weights sizes with top-quality leather.


Boxing Equipment

Are gloves enough for combat sports? Certainly not, it would help if you got hold of the below-mentioned equipment too: 

Head Gear

A Head guard is primarily used for boxing training, and it provides the needed protection to the head from hits and blows, preventing you from serious head and brain injuries. Headgear is also necessary for amateur boxing duels. For Muay Thai and MMA, head protectors or head guards are needed. Both of these sports require training and practice with which you need a quality head guard, so you get protection from even the tiniest of scraps to the full-blown eye, ears, and head injuries. Head guards should always be well-padded, but they should never obstruct your view from any angle.

Groin Guard

Quality groin guards are manufactured with various materials. These guards are crucial in protecting your vitals from getting injured. Premium quality groin guards are comfortable, providing ease of free movement, and they are made with plastic, metal, and fabrics.

Hand Wraps

Hand wraps have remained an important tool for combat sports for a long time. Hand wraps are manufactured in slightly elastic materials to make them adjustable and comfortable on your fingers and protect the tiny bones in your hands from fractures. These are a must-worn tool inside gloves of any kind.

Mouth Guard

Mouthguards are specifically designed to protect your teeth and your mouth. Most mouth guards come with a protective box that keeps bacterial infection at bay. Mouthguards are made from a boil and bite technology, making it easier for you to fit them inside your mouth, based on your teeth structure.

Abdomen Guard

Abdomen guards are mainly used for boxing, and these are designed to prevent the hits from harming your lower abdomen and side areas. Boxers normally wear them under their shorts.

Everyone has a vice, ours is everything boxing, and most of us are fans of some sort of sports or another at some point in our lives. Sports add a feeling of belonging and make us feel happy, rejuvenated, excited, and alive. Millions of players in this world, all striving to achieve perfection, win, and enjoy the thrill. Sports change our lives for the better.


Sports are the best way to express ourselves and enjoy its thrill. Sports, however, require some degree of safety and protective gear. This is where our quality boxing equipment comes to the rescue. Enjoy the best boxing gear with Infinitude Fight and take advantage of premium quality protective tools and the safety they extend. A sportsperson should always care about their safety; therefore, invest in gear that offers comfort and comprehensive protection.