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How to Add Picture on Your Boxing Gloves


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Infinitude offers a customization feature like no other. With the INFINI TECH 3D Custom Boxing Gloves Builder, you can brand your boxing gloves with your own picture.

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  1. Start by choosing your boxing glove to design in 3D Builder.
  2. A 3D model of the selected boxing glove will appear in separate window.
  3. A customization panel on the right-side (desktop) or bottom (mobile view) will appear.
  4. Open options and select the area to place picture on your boxing glove (palm back, wrist back or palm inside).
  5. You can upload your own picture by clicking Uploadand selecting image from your device.
  6. “Move, “Rotateand “Scale the picture with the options in the panel.


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Please note that while uploading picture on the custom boxing gloves the image file of your picture should be as per the following specifications for better customization:

  • Use images with maximum of 4 colors with no blending or gradients.
  • Only .png, .gif and .jpg files are supported.
  • PNG with a transparent background is preferred.
  • You can add instructions for our designers to do basic processing like background removal to your uploaded images by clicking “Add Design Notes”.

