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How to Clean Your Boxing Gloves Step-by-Step

As a boxer, your gloves are the most trusted companions in the ring. They help you deliver powerful punches, protect your hands, and give you the confidence to take on any opponent. They have been with you through sweat, tears, and maybe even blood (just kidding, hopefully not!) and cause unpleasant odors due to the accumulation of bacteria, discomfort, and even infections. Cleaning your boxing gloves is essential to your training routine, but it’s often overlooked.

Maximize the Life of Your Boxing Gloves with These Cleaning Tips

Cleaning the boxing gloves professionally can extend their life span and functionality. Keep your protective gear bacteria and dirt-free using baking soda, soaking gloves in vinegar water solution, or using wet wipes. The complete method of cleaning and sanitizing the gloves, as recommended by sports professionals, includes;

Cleaning and Sanitizing Boxing Gloves From the Inside

Turn gloves inside out and soak in the baking soda solution for 20-30 minutes to kill the bacteria. Wet wipes can also work to clean the inside of the gloves.

Just like you knock down your opponents in the boxing ring, take down germs and bacteria with a powerful one-two punch of cleaning and sanitizing. So, what is the best way to do it? 

When you put on your boxing gloves, the germs on your hands get transferred to the inside. As they proliferate and feed on your perspiration, those bacteria produce the unpleasant smells caused by dirty gym equipment. A gym backpack, due to its lack of airflow, provides an ideal environment for bacteria to grow. If you carry your gloves in your bag, take them out when you get home.

Also, try not to put your gloves inside the bag at all. The more air that reaches your gloves, the better, so try to carry them outside of your gym bag. Think of it as insider’s advice.

Wipe the gloves with a cloth or towel when you remove them from the bag to remove any extra moisture. After wrapping the glove with the towel, put your hand inside the glove. 

The Disinfecting Duo – Vinegar And Water Solution! 

To clean and disinfect the boxing gloves, use a vinegar and water solution. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and lightly mist the inner side of the gloves several times.

To clean your gloves, use apple cider vinegar or white vinegar. Adding 5 to 10 drops of tea tree oil may enhance the vinegar and water solution’s antibacterial and antifungal effects. Avoid using abrasive cleaning solutions on your gloves, as they may harm them and react adversely with your skin.

Make sure to lightly dampen each glove with the vinegar and water solution by spraying it on the outside. Then, use a fresh towel to wipe them down to remove any remaining cleaning solution.

Conditioning For Optimal Performance! 

Since many boxing gloves are composed of leather, they should be conditioned to maintain their best quality. Like human skin, leather can become dry and cracked. There are many popular leather conditioners on the market; alternatively, you can use lemon essential oil. Add a few drops of oil or a tiny quantity of conditioner on the outer side of the gloves to condition them. 

Cleaning your boxing gloves is just the first step. Now, dry them! Don’t let moisture hold you back. 

Glove Dry-Out:  Let The Air In, Let The Sweat Out! 

Keeping your gloves dry also means keeping them clean, as bacteria thrive in the sweat and moisture trapped within. After cleaning both sides of boxing gloves, they should be air dried. 

🥊Fold the wrist straps back, spread the gloves as wide as possible, then reattach the wrist straps to keep them open while you let them air dry.

🥊To dry, spread the gloves or hang them before a fan, next to an open window, or in a well-ventilated area.

You should always allow the gloves to dry out between uses, even if you don’t clean and disinfect them after each use. 

What’s Another Way? Stuff Gloves With Newspaper!

The Newspaper! That’s right. The same newspaper you read every morning can also absorb the moisture from your gloves. 

Stuffing gloves with newspaper will help them dry out more quickly since it will absorb any extra moisture. The ink used in newspapers is non-toxic and won’t damage your gloves. It is a cost-effective and eco-friendly solution, reducing the need for specialized drying equipment and products. 

Using a few newspaper pages, crinkle them into two loose balls. Place one into each glove as tightly as possible, then let them sit for a few hours. Regularly check the paper and replace it with fresh paper balls if it has been soaked with moisture.

Blow Dryer – A Quick Action! 

A blow dryer works well if you need to dry your gloves quickly since several fights or training are coming up soon. Utilizing a blow dryer in a cool setting is essential because heat might harm the gloves and solidify the leather.

Alert! Don’t Leave Your Gloves In The Sun! 

We know you are a fighter, but even the toughest gloves cannot withstand the sun’s powerful rays! Boxing gloves don’t dry out well in the sun. A little sun can help your gloves dry out and kill bacteria, but too much sun can do the same harm to the leather that it does to human skin. Instead of placing them in sunlight, try these;

  • Store them in a cool or dry place
  • Rotate your gloves regularly.
  • Maintain the leather’s natural oils.

By keeping them shaded, you will ensure they remain in top condition, ready to deliver the best punches to knock your opponent down in the boxing ring. 

Baking Soda- A Secret Weapon To Keep Gloves Odor Free! 

Who knew baking soda was a knockout? It’s not just for baking cakes anymore! Baking soda helps neutralize unpleasant smells. As a universal deodorizer, use baking soda inside your boxing gloves to eliminate odors. After drying, sprinkle a few pinches of baking soda inside each glove, then leave it there for a few hours.

So, next time you are ready for a big fight, remember to give your gloves a little baking soda. 

Take some fresh cotton socks and stuff a few handfuls of cedar chips inside each sock. Tighten the ends of the socks loosely, then place one sock into each glove. It is another tried and tested method. 

Essential Oils- Glove Fresheners!

Boxing gloves, like everything else, smell wonderful when scented with essential oils. Additionally, several essential oils have antibacterial and antifungal properties and will help clean your gloves. One to two sprays should be applied to each glove after adding 10 drops of your favorite essential oil to a spray bottle filled with one cup (240 ml) of water.

Final Words

By following these glove cleaning steps, you will quickly eliminate the bacteria and odors and keep your boxing gear in prime fighting condition. Buy high-quality custom design boxing gloves from Infinitude today and experience the difference for yourself! 


Can you put boxing gloves in the washing machine?

It is not recommended to clean boxing gloves in the washing machine as this can result in wear and tear, decreasing the overall lifespan.

How to prevent boxing gloves from smelling?

Regular cleaning and maintenance can prevent the smell in the boxing gloves. Use disinfectants and essential oils to avoid foul odors from your boxing gear. 

Can you use alcohol to clean the boxing gloves?

Alcohol wipes are used to disinfect the boxing gloves and neutralize the smell. Dry the gloves afterward to avoid damaging the leather.